Today we got hit with 3-4 inches of beautiful snow. Today, being Sunday, it had quite an effect on Sunday attendance at RCBC. However I enjoyed things as Tim spoke from John 17 and Sarah did a good job with the KidZone … the 3 that we had today.
After we finished, Tim’s lot, Chad & I headed out to try and find a “sled-able” slope. We didn’t make it too successfully. However I did pull him for quite a while on the hunt. After spending about an hour at our friend’s house and Chase was playing with the boys, we drove the short distance home. Chase made the observation that “I don’t have anyone to play with now. Dad are you going back to work. Can you play with me?”
It is a bit of a long story as I collect him from school every day and every day I say “I can’t stay home Chase as I have to finish my work day.” I know he doesn’t understand that but I have one opportunity with him.