God spoke to me about
Jesus is coming close to the point for which He came. The crucifixion is just round the corner. In the confrontation with the guards who came to arrest him, Peter (being Peter) draws a sword and cut off the guard’s ear (I never stopped to think … “Why did Peter have a sword anyway?”). Jesus replied and rebuked Peter … “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”. The cup (crucifixion) was, no doubt, a difficulty above all. However Jesus faced it head on, knowing it was the Father’s will for Him.
How many times have I blamed God for whatever “cup” that has been given me. Don’t I expect the church to grow, never experience problems, sin to creep in, personality conflicts to rise up, but is that the cup the Lord gives me? If my cup is to Pastor this church, I need to realise the cup doesn’t always hold just sweet juice.